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  • A good divorce

    A good divorce Introduction There are irreconcilable differences. Your marriage is broken and cannot be repaired. The petition for the dissolution of marriage is filed. Now it is time for you to agree on how to divide your assets, debt, and child support and responsibilities. A court trial is costly and traumatic for everyone involved.…
  • The Art of Communication in Divorce: How to Successfully Co-Parent with your Ex-Spouse

    While divorce is certainly never easy, adding children to the mix can add incredible stress and permanent change to your life when dealing with child responsibilities before and after a divorce. Most importantly, communication structures tend to break down after a divorce as couples try to ignore one another in their new phase of life.…

  • Staying in Love During a Pandemic – Advice from Divorce Attorneys

    Staying in Love During a Pandemic – Advice from Divorce Attorneys In these stress-filled days of pandemic worries, financial woes, and daily frustrations, couples have been finding it hard to find time to relax and be together as they were before the quarantine. Many couples are facing issues of how to work together at home…

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Divorce Across the Country

    As tension builds up after months of close contact in quarantine, many couples are fighting the urge to separate to build space and many more are facing decision in divorce as the pandemic rages on. Lockdown, of course, means spending every hour of every day together, whether you live in a five-bedroom mansion or a…

  • When is a verbal contract legal in Florida?

    When is a verbal contract legal in Florida? Introduction Verbal agreements can be legally binding in Florida, under two conditions. First, all of the elements of a normal contract must be in place, and second, you must be able to prove that there was an oral agreement in the first place. The elements of a…

  • Why should paternity be established in Florida?

    Why should paternity be established in Florida? Introduction When a couple is legally married in Florida, the husband is presumed in legal terms to be the father of any children born out of that union. But, when the parents are not married, fatherhood must be established by taking the correct steps. Paternity need not be…
  • When can a child support obligation be extended past the child’s 18th birthday in Florida?

    When can a child support obligation be extended past the child’s 18th birthday in Florida? Introduction Usually, a court orders child support up to a child’s 18th birthday. This is typical, in most states, the age of majority at which children are considered to now be adults. From October 2010, child support orders in Florida…

    WHY SHOULDN’T I REPRESENT MYSELF IN MY DIVORCE Why do I need a lawyer? This seems easy enough, I can do it myself. Or, my soon-to-be ex and I agree on everything, we don’t need lawyers getting in the middle of it. I see this happen a lot, and more often than not people regret…

    PITFALLS OF SOCIAL MEDIA (FACEBOOK) IN DIVORCE CASES, SINCE DEFENDANTS, GET INFORMATION TO HURT THE OTHER SIDE, THEY MAKE PUBLIC. I think most of us can agree that our personal lives have become less personal through social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other similar sites. With one click, we can share beautiful…

    PREPARING FOR THE UNEXPECTED When clients come to me, before either party has filed… the first thing I tell them is to make copies of financial documents and to obtain account information. When we are love, everything is blissful, but you can still be in love, happy, and have knowledge of your finances. It’s much…